
Global Macro Trend Analysis & Monitoring

  • Identify and Track Key Global Business Drivers: Our in-depth analysis helps businesses build a comprehensive understanding of the current geopolitical and geoeconomic landscape, and the connections between macro-level changes and various business sectors.

  • Minimise the risks: by offering our insights, we help the corporate business and investors to  reduce risks and seize opportunities in both European and Asian markets.

International Market Research

  • Evaluate the short, medium and long-term outlook for targeted market: including factors such as consumer behavior, regulatory changes, and technological advancements

  • Identify key factors: Pinpoint the critical elements, including economic indicators, political climate, and competitive landscape, that could influence business resilience and strategic planning.

Industrial Policy Regulatory Trends

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of target market industry policies: focus on short-to-mid-term evolution trends and identifying key factors driving these changes.

  • Examine the regulatory mechanisms: keep track of developments at both national and local levels to understand their impact on the industry, including potential challenges and opportunities.

Overseas Cooperation Risk Assessment

  • Political and Legal Risks: Assess political stability, legal environment, regulatory compliance, and corruption risks
  • Economic, Market, and Financial Risks: Evaluate economic conditions, market demand, competition, financial stability, and currency exchange rate risks.
  • Partner, Social, and Cultural Risks: Analyze partner reliability, cultural compatibility, social stability, and potential social or cultural conflicts.

Localisation Advisory

  • Cross-Cultural Team Management: Managing diverse teams with strategies for effective communication and collaboration.
  • Brand Building: Adapting and promoting the brand to fit local market preferences and behaviors.
  • Government and Media Communication: Communicating with local government and media, considering local regulations and cultural contexts.

Localisation Training

  • Cultural Sensitivity Training: Conduct workshops on European cultures, social norms, and business etiquettes to foster understanding and effective communication.
  • Legal and Regulatory Training: Educate employees on European business laws, regulations, and compliance requirements to ensure adherence to local standards.
  • Interpersonal Skills and Mentorship training: Enhance interpersonal skills through cultural immersion programs and provide local mentors to support adaptation and integration.